So, the weigh in yesterday was 252 pounds. I went backwards the amount I was supposed to go forward with.

This is not unlike earlier attempts at losing weight I have experienced. Move forward, move back. Move forward, move back. It also points out that I need to be more mindful of what I eat when and to be more careful about eating out. This was a BIG eating out week. That’s mainly what I blame. Well that and the fact that I stuffed my face. They sort of go together, don’t they.

This also raises another point I want to touch on. The holidays in general are a very difficult time to lose weight. There’s the big meals, especially if  you celebrate the holidays several times with different parts of your families. There tends to be a lot of eating out while you shop, which is almost NEVER good, healthy food.

So what’s the takeaway?

As with any large goal, weight-loss requires a lot of mindfulness. You need to focus on the things that directly affect your weight, like what you eat and how much. You need to be aware of things that indirectly affect your weight, like how much you sleep and how well or attitude and how much you let things get to you. Stress is a big factor in weight gain/loss.

Back to the grind. More exercise, smaller portions and no eating out for the coming week. That’s the focus.