Hello, everyone. Long time no see. So for a good deal of this year I have been extremely busy with two major projects. The first was that we moved. Anyone who’s moved knows that’s no small task. Anyone who’s moved after living in the same place for over a dozen years knows that’s a MONUMENTAL task. It truly is amazing how much stuff you accumulate and how many places you can find to put it. My wife even found a bag of ball caps I hadn’t seen since we moved into the house we just left.

The second task has been writing Values Based Goal Setting. No, the book itself is not finished yet. I did just finish the first draft last night though. Because I’ve been working so long on this, I’m sure there’s going to be some extensive edits to be done. That’s OK. I start that today. I plan on getting the book done and onto Amazon by the end of year. I’m also toying with blogging the book, or at least part of too.

Part of the great thing about getting the first draft done for the book is that I am that much closer to getting the training program that will go with it done. I want the training to mirror the book. It won’t be exactly the same, because the training will be designed to walk you through the exercises in the book. The training will also be delivered with some membership content included. So, if you’ve ever struggled to achieve the Goals you set, this one will be for you.

So, we bought a new house and I finished a book. For many that’s an incredibly successful year. I know it is for me. The house was a major Goal for me and my wife. You see, it’s the first house we have owned. That’s right. We’re first time home buyers. The Goal we have been striving to reach was to buy our own home by the end of 2020. As we got closer we moved that date up. At the beginning of the year we set the Goal to be achieved by June 30th of this year. We closed on June 1st and moved in three weeks later. This was a great win for us!

2018 for me will always mark the achievement of two of my major life Goals, the house and the book. But the size of the Goals isn’t what makes it a great year. That comes from the size of the satisfaction and joy that comes from the Goals. Sure, big Goals are likely to create big satisfaction; but that’s not always true. Sometimes theĀ  little things, repeated often, will give you the greatest joy and satisfaction. Having breakfast with your spouse before the day begins each day is a small thing with big impact. That’s how we should measure Success, by the impact and satisfaction the action gives us and others.

My Goals and your Goals are different. My Success and your Success are different. Measure your satisfaction and joy by your own standards, not others’.