OK, OK. We’re at Week 10 which means I skipped weeks 8 and 9. I didn’t do it on purpose. I didn’t skip them because I was hiding what my weight was. I just let the holidays get in the way.

So, the weigh-in for this week is 248.6 pounds. Making more progress overall, but I’m still a little bit behind. My target weight loss each week is 1.5 pounds. This would put me at 170.6 on next January 1st. Give or take a little.

Obviously, that should be plenty of time to divvy up 6 tenths of a pound extra weight loss. The real question for me is what kind of commitment will I have to this?

One of the things I’ve done is to create an Accountability Chart showing what time I’ve gone to bed, gotten up and how long I’ve exercised that should help me stay motivated. I find that there’s nothing quite like not wanting to break the habit chain on one of these.

See you next week!