OK. Just so show you that I am being totally transparent about my weight loss goal and progress…

This week was a regression week. Instead of weighing in at 250.8 which would have been last week’s ending weight less the target weekly weight loss, I weighed in at a spectacular 253.0 pounds of me. That’s what makes it spectacular. This is a gain of .9 pounds this week. In other words, I almost totally erased last week’s number.

Now, I publish this to illustrate a couple of things.

If you’re going to go big and public with your goals, there’s nothing wrong with admitting a setback.

I know exactly what I was supposed to achieve and I didn’t make it. I can even trace the difference to a few specific instances where I simply ignored what I knew I should do. I’m owning it. It’s all on me.

If you do fall short of a target or goal: adjust, reset and move forward.

I’ve adjusted my target weekly goals for the next several weeks to get me back on track. Yes, I know this will be even more difficult because of the holiday seasons. No worthy goal should be easy though. If it’s easy, what’s the point? Instead of targeting a weekly reduction of 1.35 pounds, I’m shooting for 1.75 pounds over the next 5 weeks with 1.45 pounds theĀ  6th week. That will get me back to a where I would have been if I had hit my target.

See how easy that was? Adjust the numbers a little bit for several weeks and shoot for those goals. I realize I’ll need to work harder to get to the weekly goal, but I’m OK with that. In fact, that may be more motivating to me. I like the bigger challenge.

So, what do we learn from this?

I didn’t fail. I’m not giving up. I’m not doomed to fat-dom for my entire life. There are weeks I am going to go over and other weeks where I am going fall behind. When I do, I adjust as necessary and move on. No need to get all worked up and give up.

See you next week.