We all have Values. Everyone has them. Not everyone has the same Values of course. Some people’s Values are self-centered and others’ Values are other-centered. Most of us fall in the middle.

Values are about the things you hold most important in life. They are the things we believe to be true and guide us in life. Values are the things we know are true and right and are the standard we generally hold ourselves to.

There are some universal truths and Values that apply to everyone, but we actually get to choose the ones we follow. That’s why there are serial killers and people like Mother Theresa in the world.

We get to decide if money is our highest value or if God is. Is your most important value about you or others? Is it about family or getting more and more stuff? Values are mostly neutral, meaning that you can have most any of them and still live a good life. Some Values we recognize as harmful or selfish. Values that serve, promote and support others, yourself and your dreams are objectively good. Values that serve only yourself or harm others are objectively bad.

You can agree or disagree with that, but I would guess it’s because you’ve got more of the bad Values than the good ones.

What I want you to understand is that you get to choose the principles you live by. Ask yourself, what’s most important to you? Are these the things you live by? Either way, you can choose the values and choose to live by them.

Those Values should be the foundation that we build our Vision upon. Our Values should tell us what is right and wrong and what decisions are right or wrong. Our Vision, Mission and Goals should always be in harmony with our Values. You can’t be Successful without that.